January 2022

Strange Bedfellows: Black Flag and Old Glory Share the Pole

Have you noticed that black flag flying beneath Old Glory on most government flagpoles including the one at the White House?  Why is the United States and its enemy, the US government, flying a black, prisoner-of-war flag?  Have you never noticed? Who do you suppose those prisoners are in this “never forgotten,” “never again…well maybe […]

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Power Replete v. Powdered Delete

Humanity reflects “compassionate, sympathetic, [and] generous behavior … the quality or state of being humane.”  To be replete or abundantly supplied with the above attributes is to have power complete, absolutely. Humanity fulfilled. The Powdered Delete, the Power Elite [or sixty years later the Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC)] are the Calcified Pineal Club (CPC).  Unfortunately, these

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Two Worlds’ War

Not to be confused with World War II or the “War to End All Wars.” The two worlds refer to the paradigm of the wealthy, powdered’elite and the masses including the mid-level managers; the digital mulattoes of CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) slavery.  Simply put, the transhumans. The two worlds consist of those who love God-spirit and those who hunger for

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The Good News

The good news is that you’re alive. Yes, another breath and another day thanks to God. You could take it for granted, but you already do that so it’s time to revisit your wealth, your life. On the days that they [powdered d’elite] don’t geoengineer these blue Central California skies, it resonates the joy you

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