The good news is that you’re alive. Yes, another breath and another day thanks to God.
You could take it for granted, but you already do that so it’s time to revisit your wealth, your life.
On the days that they [powdered d’elite] don’t geoengineer these blue Central California skies, it resonates the joy you feel when azure bursts forth thanks to gusts of wind undeterred by plumes of aluminum, barium, strontium and targeted pathogens released at 20,000 feet. Geoengineered transhumanism pales against the victory which is the creation-force, humanity.
Here’s a riddle: The boomerang is created by a man and its surface is black in color. A man dreams, designs and constructs the boomerang, then throws it. The device shoots fiercely away from the man catching the sun’s light glittering brightly at a distance appearing white for a moment only to swerve back and black. Within a few minutes, the device returns to the hand of its inventor. The question is: what color is the man?
This is the riddle of the ages and the watchers know the answer as there were a lot of good finds in Lake Aswan. Go back around 3000 years or 960 B.C. and that’s where you begin to understand the good news. You are alive and you are human. Our Creator. Our creation.