Your Neighborhood: The New Opportunity Zone

“….owners will become wealthier by developing [legally sub-dividing and selling] their                           property[ies]. In a country based on the right to develop land and become wealthy                               through one’s own efforts[.]”

Translation:  the author of this quote is a developer or someone who stands to gain from turning specific neighborhoods from planned communities and single-family homes into “bungalow courts and multiplexes.”

Developers may own several homes, live where they choose and have no skin in the game, just a profit to maintain. The real motivation is always the bottom line; the land grab.

Blacks have seen this strategy from the beginning. Despite slavery and Jim Crow American Apartheid, American descendants of slaves built thriving communities in Tulsa and Rosemead only to see their communities mobbed, bombed, lynched and burned out of existence by a “respectable” surrounding white community.  When these Black enclaves still managed to survive and rebuild, the 1950’s offered a new freeway through many Black neighborhoods and business districts not already butchered by the one hundred years since “slavery’s end” in one form.

Nixon, after the Civil Rights Act of 1965 and into his first administration in the early 1970’s, thought it a good idea to build opportunity zones.  This impoverished enclave, shell-game cloaked the pretense of business-home ownership opportunities for poor Blacks while the “real” estate was actually owned by the hidden hand of wealthy, white investors who would eventually emerge to take possession of these Black-owned business areas once the market showed signs of ripening and recovery.

With the 2021 injection-slavery, surveillance and control are no longer restricted to Blacks.  In equal measure, opportunity zones land grabs are being rolled out under the cover of emergency homeless housing (SB 330, SB 9, SB10).  These senate bills subdivide single family housing into four or even ten lots thereby increasing the tax burden on the single-family home forcing people out and ultimately leaving the area available so desired property can be easily bought up for pennies-on-the-dollar by the very wealthy.  It’s a shell game collateralized unlike the slavery vetted within the Constitution.

This is why Black people are wary of the Constitution and the gene therapy jab.  Both of these blueprints were established to enslave.  The redress has yet to be paid and it’s 2021.