Humanity reflects “compassionate, sympathetic, [and] generous behavior … the quality or state of being humane.” To be replete or abundantly supplied with the above attributes is to have power complete, absolutely. Humanity fulfilled.
The Powdered Delete, the Power Elite [or sixty years later the Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC)] are the Calcified Pineal Club (CPC). Unfortunately, these humans have either not achieved humanity yet or they’ve given theirs away. The TCC have instead attempted to gamble with satan knowing that he is “the house” and you know what is said about the house. God sent the devil down to earth as punishment after all and he’s been running roughshod ever since. These CPC deletes call themselves “negotiating” with lucifer, then walk away without their souls and don’t even know it.
In my life, I’ve met a few of these individuals: wealthy, intelligent, somewhat reserved, physically sound and even likeable. One offered shares in a private, for-profit, prison-building corporation which was as repulsive to me as eating an eye-of-yak sandwich. The second person explained that investing in a fracking operation in Utah would provide a distinct measure of profitability for shareholders [nothing for the planet] which was equally sickening. These CPC individuals understood the quantified position of profit and had no interest or awareness in personal accountability to the earth. Those without souls and despite their pleasant outward appearance marvel at the ease with which a camel can fit through the eye of needle. They don’t believe in heaven though it exists here on earth in the city of seven gates. That is because they are “without.” Like heaven, “sin” is a state of mind.
Humanity is worth the fight.
Pay it forward with random acts of kindness listening more than you speak, living the golden rule and “the greatest of these is love.” However, you define a fierce compassion for raising up the human race, believe in the power replete. It is real.
Humanity wins every time.