On July 11, 2013, the Supreme Pontiff, Pope Francis, issued his first Pontificate at the Apostolic Palace which took effect September 1, 2013.
Apostolic Letter Issued Motu Proprio
According to the New Advent, motu proprio means “of his own accord” or of one’s own free will. The source goes on to detail the following:
“The name given to certain papal rescripts on account of the clause motu proprio used in the document. The words signify that the provisions of the rescript were decided on by the pope personally, that is, not on the advice of the cardinals or others, but for reasons which he himself deemed sufficient. The document has generally the form of a decree: in style it resembles a Brief rather than a Bull, but differs from both especially in not being sealed or countersigned. It issues from the Dataria Apostolica, and is usually written in Italian or Latin. It begins by stating the reason inducing the sovereign pontiff to act, after which is stated the law or regulation made, or the favour granted, It is signed, personally by the pope, his name and the date being always in Latin. A Motu Proprio was first issued by Innocent VIII in 1484. It was always unpopular in France, where it was regarded as an infringement of Gathelican liberties, for it implied that the sovereign pontiff had an immediate jurisdiction in the affairs of the French Church. The best-known recent example of a Motu Proprio is the instructions issued by Pius X on 22 November, 1903, for the reform of church music.” CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Motu Proprio (newadvent.org)
Are US officials implicated under this Apostolic Letter of the Holy See? According to the Gnostic Warrior,
“Here is a small list of “some of these US public officials” who have resigned, or have been fired around or since the time of this letter on July 11, 2013; (Disclaimer – This list does NOT indicate guilt, but just facts that coincide with Pope’s letter.)
- On the same day of the letter from the Pope dated July 11, 2013, the Federal Reserve Governor, the New York Times announced that Elizabeth Duke would step down effective September 1, 2013.
- News on July 12, 2013 stated that Janet Napolitano, head of Homeland Security will resign effective September 1, 2013.
- Since July 2013, nine senior commanding generals have been fired by Obama, such as the two-star general overseeing the U.S. arsenal of intercontinental missiles that was fired on October 11, 2013
Yes, lot’s of the numbers 11 and 1 here. In the occult, the number 11 is the destruction, judgment and the death of man. It is the first number after 10 at which point the number 11 signifies a new starting point of counting.”
Just to be clear, that’s the Federal Reserve Governor, the head of Homeland Security, and nine senior commanding generals. The Roman Curia is the papal court and all of its vestiges. You can believe that the Roman Curia has jurisdiction over the bar of both the United States, England and therefore the judges of those courts. “…the various entities under the rule of Church will have to simply comply or face criminal prosecution.”
Time to hold the courts accountable.