Follow the Definition: Currency Leads to the Truth and the Deception

According to Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition, currency is defined as “coined money and such bank notes or other paper money as are authorized by law and do in fact circulate from hand-to-hand as the medium of exchange.” Money is described as “…gold, silver or paper money used as [a] circulating medium of exchange, [a]nd […]

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Black Woman, Asian-American

When I saw the article describing Vice President Harris’ identity with this verbiage, I found myself asking why isn’t she described as an Asian woman with Black American heritage and then I remembered Roger Taney. Attorney Alton Maddox, may he rest in power, referred to the former chief justice’s decision in the Dred Scott case

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The Medical-Chemical Significance of Gold and Copper v. Silver

In physics, there are only three noble metals: Gold, Silver and Copper according to Wikipedia. Nur Ankh Amen, in his epic masterpiece, The Ankh: African Origin of Electromagnetism, writes concerning copper: “The production of melanin starts with the conversion of tyrosine by the enzyme tyrosinase to 5, 6-iodole quinone. Tyrosinase is a copper-containing enzyme which

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Prayer and the Electron

Electron is the Greek word for amber or a crystal that possessing etheric or electromagnetic properties. What is the significance of spiritual force in the conduction of energy? This question is priceless and important in these times. Prayer is the force of intention; weightless, formless energy. Prayer is the focused boson, electrons and neutrons, folding

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The Days of Rain

There is no natural weather. Global geoengineering protocols reign compliments of Rathyeon (The Weather Channel) and Northrup Grummond dumping aluminum, barium and strontium payloads across the sky steadily for the past two and a half decades largely unnoticed, but for the spiking cancers and mysterious illnesses plaguing the human race in as many years. The

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Reverence vs. Obedience

Reverence is honor, respect or esteem shown to another according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Obedience means to carry out, comply with or fulfill a command or order according to the same source. Revere encourages free-will, obedience demands servitude. With billionaires running roughshod over the planet earth, the human race has entered a period of implied

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The Stewards

Human beings are the stewards of this planet we call earth. How are we doing? The elites with a vision of their Bonsai planet instigate the planetary WW3.0 and sneer under their collective breaths that global genocide is just collateral damage as long as it’s not happening to their family. The billionaire class of humans

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About Helel

A few weeks ago, I listened to a woman channel an entity calling itself Helel or Heylal otherwise known as satan. This entity explained several important spiritual ideas: (1) the two principal entities on the planet are seraphim similar to angels and the other, more emotional empaths are the Elohim. Both have come in the

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