Black Woman, Asian-American

When I saw the article describing Vice President Harris’ identity with this verbiage, I found myself asking why isn’t she described as an Asian woman with Black American heritage and then I remembered Roger Taney.

Attorney Alton Maddox, may he rest in power, referred to the former chief justice’s decision in the Dred Scott case of 1857 determining that a Black (person) has no rights that a White (person) is bound to respect. That decision, like the Vatican’s Doctrine of Discovery, has been rebuked and repudiated, but never revoked meaning those rulings hold as true today in 2024 as they did when originally issued.

Kamala is simply asserting her natural, inalienable right as an American citizen and she can do that through her Asian (South Asian, Indian) lineage, but never through Blackness. This is why she can never do anything just for Black people. Black Foundational descendants of slaves have no natural, inalienable rights the citizens of America are bound to honor; only civil, (White) man-made rights. Civil rights are designations that can be revoked or granted by men: lawyers, politicians, judges. Further, civil rights are unnatural, alienable and impermanent privileges. They must be voted upon and can only be permitted by men, not nature.

In order to keep her natural, inalienable rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, Kamala Harris can appear to be a Black Woman, but she must legally identify as an Asian American thereby granting herself access to White privilege.