Search Results for: cpc

The CPC: Where Technocrats & Eugenicists Meet and Fail

What is a technocrat? What is a Eugenicist? What is the CPC? According to Merriam Webster, W. H. Smyth defined technocracy to mean “management of society by technical experts.” “Technocracy grew into a movement during the Great Depression of the 1930s[,]when politicians and financial institutions were being blamed for the economic disaster[,] and fans of technocracy […]

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Power Replete v. Powdered Delete

Humanity reflects “compassionate, sympathetic, [and] generous behavior … the quality or state of being humane.”  To be replete or abundantly supplied with the above attributes is to have power complete, absolutely. Humanity fulfilled. The Powdered Delete, the Power Elite [or sixty years later the Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC)] are the Calcified Pineal Club (CPC).  Unfortunately, these

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Go Small

To paraphrase, Warren Buffett once famously said that successful businesses will have products that become smaller and smaller. That said, I knew that Geim was on to something when he accepted the Nobel Prize in 2014 for isolating graphene in 2004.  I imagined amazing applications of atoms set side-by-side like birds perched on a telephone

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As America begins to understand that the masks will not come off until 70% or more of the population is vaccinated (a.k.a. slow suicide), there remains no relief or assurance for the masses. The depopulation is real.  The more volunteers eager to line up for their jab, the better? Deagel has reported that the U.S.

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D-Wave and the Covid19 Vaccine: The Tree Doesn’t Fall Far From The Apple

Sub-zero storage temperatures: It’s what D-Wave and SARS-coV-2 vaccines have in common. What is D-Wave you may ask? According to the company’s website, “D-Wave’s quantum computer leverages quantum dynamics to accelerate and enable new methods for solving discrete optimization, sampling, material science, and machine learning problems. It uses a process called quantum annealing that harnesses

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