The Future Is Now

“Therefore calamity will come upon him suddenly; in an instant he will be shattered beyond recovery” Proverbs 6:15 “While people are saying ‘Peace and Safety,’ destruction will come upon them suddenly, as the labor pains on a woman, and they will not escape” Thessalonians 5:3 As the United States begins transitioning into the brave new

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What Is Humanity?

Humanity is a word.  The word is the gift given by God to humans and distinguishes people from angels, satan and all other creations. Meriam Webster defines humanity as “compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behavior or disposition:  the quality or state of being humane; human.” According to Genesis, satan was thrown out of heaven and onto

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As America begins to understand that the masks will not come off until 70% or more of the population is vaccinated (a.k.a. slow suicide), there remains no relief or assurance for the masses. The depopulation is real.  The more volunteers eager to line up for their jab, the better? Deagel has reported that the U.S.

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Faith Love God

Faith Love God overpower The Overlay Takeover. It happened again. Looking through a bag earlier in the week containing a digital recorder, I could not see this item nor the camera which was also in the container, yet it was there. This military-scale neurological blocking mechanism covered or muted dendritic activation between the cells. In

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Folding the Handkerchief

Step 1:  Imagine a handkerchief. Step 2:  In each corner of this square cloth used for personal hygiene, place a personal idea: an image. Top Left:  a face covering for the nose and mouth: a mask Top Right: two syringes filled with nano-particles including cross-domain bacteria, aluminum, formaldehyde, arsenic, pathogens, and an mRNA TrustStamp, Covid

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Genetic Entropy Anyone?

I first learned about genetic entropy from Dr. John Sanford’s book of the same name, it literally fell off the shelf at a Border’s Bookstore and nearly hit me.  I caught the book, bought it, brought it home and read it.  That was an eye-opener.  It would make watching the ending scene from “The Circle,”

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The Legacy-Holder Inheritors

What are Legacy-Holder inheritors? A Legacy-Holder inheritor receives the benefit of a trust, foundation, land, industry, or intellectual property by virtue of inheritance. Sixty-seven percent of United States citizens can not afford to retire because they are impoverished and live at or below the poverty index.  This group may have retired early ahead of 65

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