We have come a long way from the Rio Accord of 1992. It was here that the global community of that era, one hundred and seventy-eight governments, agreed to adopt an agenda for the 21st Century; Agenda 21. In the past two decades, the infamous plan has been re-branded as Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Who can forget the notorious, vain-glorious motto: You will own nothing … and be happy [and that is an order].
In 2015, the term Sustainable Development Goals was attached to a vision of seventeen benchmarks to be accomplished by 2030, hence the above motto. We are now in 2024 and more than half way into the trajectory. Bill Gates and his shareholders fait accompli was to bring down the global population by 15% with the help of vaccines or inoculations.
Let us take a look at the SDG report card from its authors at the United Nations:
It would appear that The Club and its Gateskeepers have met their goal of depopulation and then some. That accomplishment was to be expected once 70% and more of the global population received their mandated inoculations. However, they still have a long way toward their endgame. The Georgia Guidestones envisioned by Sister Christian predict a population of 500,000,000 souls down from the 8.5 billion humans currently inhabiting planet earth.
I expect that once the US election has been settled, the US-Iranian war commenced and military-industrial automation of 33% attained, we will again see more aggressive efforts toward depopulation in the six remaining years to 2030.