Botched Havana Syndrome and the Confessions of a Military Capitalist

On 9/14/2022, Michael Isikoff of Yahoo News published an article entitled, “Top U.S. Officials Cast Fresh Doubt On Sensational ‘Havana Syndrome’ Claims.”

The comments by Brian Nichols, assistant secretary of state for Western Hemisphere affairs, are especially striking given they come at a time the CIA and the State Department have begun making arrangements to compensate — with payments of up to $189,000 — current and former U.S. officials suffering from unexplained brain injuries under a law, the HAVANA Act, passed by Congress last year and signed by President Biden….

“A top State Department official, countering claims that have circulated widely among members of Congress and the news media, says in a new interview there is no evidence that any external actors caused the “Havana syndrome” health incidents reported in recent years by over 1,100 U.S. diplomats and spies.

The remarks by Nichols — who oversees Cuba policy at the State Department — echo, but in some respects go beyond, recent comments by CIA Director William Burns that the agency has not found any foreign actors, including Russia, to be responsible for a “sustained global campaign on the scale of what has been reported” to harm U.S. officials and that “a majority” of Havana syndrome cases could be attributed to alternative environmental and medical factors.”

I’ve included the above-article to specifically address why the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the State department would be compensating certain citizens for medical damages while simultaneously denying “external actors” as the cause of the Havana Syndrome brain injuries.

The answer to the contradiction lies within United States Code (USC); specifically 50 USC 1801–the Definition. War and National Defense. Electronic Surveillance. This law goes all the way back to 1978 when President Jimmy Carter signed House of Representatives (H.R.) bill 7308 into law.

Whereas American Embassy employees are members of our government and eligible for restitution for medical damages, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC)- designated “agents of a foreign power” are enemies and eligible for nothing except more torture.

William Burns, the CIA Director and Brian Nichols, a State Department official overseeing Cuban policy both agree that no foreign or external actors caused health issues which included dizziness, vertigo, nausea, cerebral bleeding, headaches, mind fog and other mental health challenges also known as Havana Syndrome. These brain injuries resulted from the US military’s use of directed energy weaponry and represent Burns’ alternative “multi-emitter” environmental and medical factors.

After Rudy Eugene consumed portions of Ronald Poppo’s face in 2012, the former was located and shot four times in the back by the Miami police. Eugene was naked and disoriented because the directed energy weapon targeted upon him caused his body and mind to heat up. Interestingly, Putin commented a few days after the incident that his country possessed “this” same technology. What technology was Putin referencing?

There is no contradiction in paying damages to embassy staff while denying foreign actors because the damage was caused by US military’s technology. Whether owned by foreign actors, MASINT or RINT and DEWINT, the microwave pulse devices belong to the United States government. Everyday citizens targeted by the same directed weaponry on American soil unlike diplomats are considered enemies and receive no assistance as long as they are so defined under 50 USC 1801.

MASINT: Measurement and Signature Intelligence
Unintentional Radiation Intelligence RINT (Havana Syndrome) and
Directed Energy Weapons Intelligence (DEWINT)

Those inoculated individuals who took the jab are experiencing the “medical factors” as a mechanism of surveillance. The 5G-6G, ionosphere-manipulating technology designed to create an “alternative environment” will attempt to work hand-in-glove with those medical factors to lockdown populations, manipulate human thoughts, and modulate behavior as a means to control humanity.

The confession from the military and state department officials obviates that directed energy weapons are being used upon citizens, spies and diplomats. They don’t care about who you think you are. You don’t matter to those 70% family-member-owners of the military industrial complex who see you as fodder. Some may receive a paltry $189K payout for now while others may get the 50 USC 1801 treatment. In the end, the military capitalists want to come clean and wash their hands of you.

The botched Havana Syndrome narrative is an opportunity for Burns, Nichols, and the US government to admit that you are being surveilled and tortured, not by external factors, but by the true Agent of a Foreign Power: the governed mint that was the United States of America.