The Nines

Gather round boys and girls.  I’m going to tell you the story of the nines.

In the literal meaning of nein, no; I am not going to talk about the negative.

This is the story of Arabic nine, 9, the sitting man or woman smiling and with a very large head and curved spine; the nine.

In the true spirit of nine, yes; am am going to talk about reflection

Nine is a mirror. Whatever number it sits next to it reflects.  As sure as nearly every letter in “America’s” can be pulled out and reorganized to spell “racism” so nine, less intrinsically or physically, acts as a truth teller without uttering a number.  It sacrifices itself to become the adjacent digit.

For example, when the two numbers that compose 59, that is 50 (or 5) and 9, are added together, the sum is 14.  One added to four is five.  As a simple equation, n + 9 = n and n + 9 + r = n + r.  Nine becomes the mirror that reflects and then it disappears.

How different is our life from the number nine?  We live for a space of time on this planet reflecting our own unique spirit and then our amazing dreams, accomplishments, and efforts live on and our physical body disappears.  Who remembers the person who invented the chair, the curtain, the bed? Yet these creations, actualized dreams really, permeate our reality like so many light photons radiating into a solid form.  The creators have long since disappeared like the adjacent nine, but the creation lives on and is improved upon daily becoming yet another amazing invention.

God is the greatest Creator.

Watching Her inventions recreate themselves and disappear is a marvel.  I love the mind of God.  He is the greatest teacher of this self-less approach to understanding life we create, obviate and then from which we physically vacate, disintegrate, vanish.  Our spirits live on in our creations just like Our Creator lives on in us.

We are the nines.